Sunday, July 18, 2010

ostrich for dinner

The long silence on my blog was a disconnect from my life that, in reality, was throbbing with noise and action. I simply failed to transcribe any of it here. So, for a quick bring-you-up-to-speed, I've been in Berlin since March--and yes, ate ostrich for dinner. And in doing so, thought I ought to attempt to begin blogging in earnest. So I will begin with food shots (who doesn't love food shots?) of some of the tasty (or quirky-and-delicious) foods I've come across here....

The strawberries didn't stick around long enough for a photo shoot--they were that delicious.

Pure Brandenburg dirt on those fresh-picked blueberries.

Brussels, bacon, and fresh rolls... mmm.

Norwegian cheese from friends who've figured out my love language.

Traditional German winter food, not to be eaten in the summer. Oops!

Not quite green eggs and ham, but sage cheese is amazing!

Yes, that is tea. "Hot Love" and "Small Sins" tea.

Birthday cake (the pale one's pineapple)!



Unknown said...

ahhh i was so excited to see your post! And all about food...even better :) I miss you so much!

Vic said...

Wow... All of the food looks delicious! Incredible.