Wednesday, August 13, 2008

welcome to my blog

Larissa - well, that's me. And, like many blogs, this one is for people who know me or are interested in knowing what I'm doing/thinking/reading/eating - whether you know me or not. (And yes, I will blog about food. Likely, more often than I blog about thoughts. Hmm. My blogging habits, or lack thereof, may be in some need of adjustment.) Larissa also happens to be a city in Greece near Mount Olympus and one of the seven moons of Neptune, in case you were curious.

In the city - that's where I'll be. I love cities because I love being with people. Not that being smashed up against someone on the Subway is deeply communal - there's just something about the energy and bustle, the proximity and populous of cities that draws me in and holds me fascinated. (I spent a month in New York and came up with the blog title.) I've spent bits of time in Berlin, Germany, and I'm going back, this time to live: to share the love of God in Jesus, to teach English, to be a friend and encouragement, to be part of a complex and vibrant city.